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Happy birthday to the world!


Like a pencil poised for calculation, a key not yet turned
in the twitchy ignition, so was the curved throat of God in the nothing
before the (ready, so ready) beginning.
Then: Black letters proclaimed onto the white parchment universe.  
Then: Big Bang (call it what you will)—
Water swirling away from water and sapphire sky pouring out.
Greater lights and lesser, crackling meteors & stars—
Sprouting seeds with their tasty fruit, towering trees with their riddles—
Twirling serpents & creepers of the soil; all the swarming, leaping,
winged things—
And last to come, dusty youngsters made in the image (haploid,
diploid, twin & twin)—
Each called into itself by that voice. That voice. Insistent, unfurling—
The deafening pulse of now.
So good.


2 Comments leave one →
  1. Dan Price permalink
    09/27/2011 3:22 pm

    Thank you Sue; I believe you have captured the essence Creation. I like finding the magic in the small details. One day Joy and I were paddling near the shore following a kingfisher when I noticed numerous minnows leaping up to half their length above the surface. Upon closer inspection we saw small bits of vegetation floating on the surface, hoards of insects within inches of the surface feeding on the vegetation, dozens of minnows leaping up to catch the bugs, and a kingfisher diving from the trees to feed on the fish; the entire food chain within a few feet of our canoe. This is the magic of life; an epic struggle, yet beautiful!

    • sue swartz permalink*
      09/27/2011 4:42 pm

      That’s it exactly! What an amazing world.

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